Dear People who are far away,
It´s been a while. One year in fact. Doesn´t really seem like that long. It´s strange to think that besides the mission I don't think I have ever been away from home more than 10 days, and away from a family member more than a week. Oh well, I live with it.
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27 March 2010 |
It´s been a while. One year in fact. Doesn´t really seem like that long. It´s strange to think that besides the mission I don't think I have ever been away from home more than 10 days, and away from a family member more than a week. Oh well, I live with it.
So, this week was a little slow. The bishop cancelled our devotional we had planned last minute, (at sacrament meeting over the pulpit actually), without letting anyone else know, just because he had an interview with the stake president. I wonder why he has two councilors... kind of killed our start of the week spirit.
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"Brazilian Oreos" - Black Power from Dallas! Black power was just a bunch of cheap oreos. They say black power for the hairstyle of an afro here. Funny stuff. 11 September 2010 |
We found one of the investigators the missionaries were working with before the area was closed and he might get baptized soon. We just have to make sure he is doing good with the commandments. We gave a blessing to an old lady who was burning with pain all over the other day. It's really weird how we just happen to pass by and make a visit and the members say, "Elders, can you give a blessing?" Answer: Did Jesus walk on water? :)
15 September 2010 |
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Arrival District 38-C - One Year Reunion! 15 September 2010 |
Today we had a one year get together from our arrival group. Sadly, Elder Owens is still in Acre, and Elder Cotten in Porto Velho, so we didn't have everyone there. But twas fun. We went to the Ponta Negra, which is the beach on the Rio Negro right next door to the Manaus Temple. The temple was so awesome! It's got all the walls and the tower is going up. It's kind of small, though. It's about the same size as our chapel back in Bloomington Hills. Maybe a little bigger. Didn't have a chance to get a pic. We played volleyball for a bit and then snapped pix. As with Elder Gannon one year ago going fishing, I am sunburnt again. At least this time it's not my feet, but my arms, legs, and face. The sun is a killer.
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Oh, I forgot, we found a knife on the beach and I ended up being the sacrifice. Unluckily, the angel didn't show up in time to stop Elder Koehler from gorging my stomach out. 15 September 2010 |
There was a member who is offering to rent his house to us, air conditioning included. I only have a dying fan, and the mosquitos are eating me alive. Ants, too. AC is a miracle. So... we called to see how long the contract is on the house we are in now. The secretary said it wouldn't be good to move right now, as Mauazinho is probably going to be closed this next transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . Ouch, that´s a sucker punch to the kidneys. Looks like if the 16 Americans don't show up soon, Elder Arruda and I are moving again. Joy... We'll see how it goes.
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District 38-C - One-Year Reunion 15 September 2010 |
That´s it for now! Happy One Year to all of you! The most peaceful year of your life since 1990! Love you all. Hug Livvy a million and one times for me! Show Ike my picture so he knows who I am!
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One Year: Wednesday, 15 September 2010 |